Native Ministry Timeline Notes
This listing is intended to provide landing pages for notes in the timeline, but you are welcome to browse it here!
Ray Aldred, Urbana 03
Jonathan Maracle, Urbana 03
Terry LaBlanc, Urbana 03, Urbana 06, Urbana 12
Urbana '03
Ray Aldred
Terry LeBlanc
Jonathan Maracle
Ray Aldred
- Mainstage: see or
- Seminar audio: Contextualization
Terry LeBlanc
- Seminar audio: Reconciliation with First Nation Peoples
Jonathan Maracle
- Seminar audio: Ancient Sounds
Urbana '12
Terry LeBlanc
Brenda Wong
Lisa Laird
Amy Phillips
Terry LeBlanc
- Mainstage video
- Seminar audio: The Environment, a Biblical Responsibility
Brenda Wong
- Seminar recording: Ethnicity and Prayer
Lisa Laird
- Seminar recording: Making the Most of Your Urbana Experience
Amy Phillips
- Seminar recording: Prayer, Fasting and Worship in Mission
Urbana 15
Ray Aldred
Mark Charles
Introduction of Pacific Islanders, led by Moani, as well as Neesha and Courtland (song not recorded)
Ray Aldred
- Seminar recording: Introduction to Native Christians: Culture, Worldview, & Values
Mark Charles
- Seminar recording: Race, Common Memory, & Community: Taking the Conversation to the Next Level
Introduction of Pacific Islanders, led by Moani, as well as Neesha and Courtland (song not recorded)
Urbana 18
Makaiwa leads in lament (not recorded)
Lament video includes some of the story of colonialism in Turtle Island
Moani Nanod-Sitch
Megan Murdock Krischke
Rachel Kuhn
Makaiwa leads in lament (not recorded)
Lament video includes some of the story of colonialism in Turtle Island
Moani Nanod-Sitch
- Seminar recording: Cultural Protocol: Honoring Creator, Creation, and His First Peoples
Megan Murdock Krischke
- Seminar recording: Start Something Native
Rachel Kuhn
- Seminar recording: Building Bridges for Lasting Global Impact